
Friday, February 21, 2014

Reece's Rainbow!!! Family Sponsorship Program APPROVED!!

This is an exciting step in our Adoption Journey!!  I learned today we were approved for a Family Sponsorship profile on Reece's Rainbow! This allows a way for people to make donations (can be anonymous) and is also a potential venue for future giveaways, especially if strangers want to make donations and are not comfortable donating through our personal Paypal to someone they don't know.

Reece's Rainbow
"Because every family deserves the blessing of a child with Down Syndrome..."
I LOVE that motto!! Once I realized they had expanded to include ALL children with Special Needs I was moved beyond tears.  One of the adoptive mothers I had met online had found her beautiful daughter through RR and I believe that is how I first learned of it.  Since then I have visited the site frequently and just prayed for each of these families and children in crisis.

Reece's Rainbow has dozens upon dozens of profiles of child in various states of finding their forever family.  Some are in the USA and many are in our countries.  Some have been recently added and are praying someone sees their profile and falls in love with them and can see past the daily challenges they face.  Some are like us, matched with a family and have future parents who are praying, scrimping and saving every nickel to bring that child home.  Some children are in danger of aging out and may have missed their opportunity to be linked on earth with that special family.  That is the heartbreaking part. 

To be honest I can't bear to be on the site every day because I get so emotionally involved with each and every sweet angel and wish I had endless resources to bring each and every girl and boy to their families.  In the beginning RR focused on precious children with Down's Syndrome, and then it grew from that. Some have special needs that are mild, some have severe deformities and serious health issues that require a very special and unique family to embrace them.

"In 2006, the program expanded to include promoting the international adoption of children with Down syndrome.   By raising money to offer adoption grants on waiting children, we are able to give adoptive families the extra financial help they need to bring a child with Down syndrome home from a miserable existence in overseas orphanages... Our Sponsorship Program provides a unique opportunity for anonymous donors to contribute to the adoption journey of our families.  These children are viewed as outcasts with no ability to learn or be functional members of society." (From Reece's Rainbow "About Us")

We are so honored to be included in the Reece's Rainbow Family!!

You can visit our profile at:
Alejandro for the Greene's!

Personal Checks are welcomed as well and avoid the Paypal fees.
Checks should be made payable to: Reece’s Rainbow
Mail to:
Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 4024  
Gaithersburg, MD  20885

Be sure to indicate it is for Denise and Charles Greene as there are several other "Green/Greene" families on RR.

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