
F.A.Q..... your questions to me!

I certainly appreciate everyone's questions, and we have been asked many of the same ones over and over, so here are some of them.

Why are you adopting internationally when there are so many kids in the U.S.A, who need homes?

We actually began our journey focusing on foster adoption.  One reason was because my husband was adopted through foster care when he was young and he knows first hand the blessings that come from becoming part of a loving and patient family unit. The second reason was that we knew there were so many needy children and we are very willing and open to providing a home for some of them.  The third reason, honestly would be that the cost of adopting through the states would be more in line with what we could afford.
We took the state required classes to become licensed foster parents.  We completed the state home study.  We gathered our documents and financial records and references and took pictures.  We prepared our home, bought all the smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, bought bunk beds and extra sheets and towels and toiletries.  And then we waited.  And waited.  
Then one day I learned about "Alejandro" and that changed everything.  We had been seeking a deaf child, which made me look twice at his profile.  He had been in foster care for his entire life (almost 5 years at the time).  When we learned he was in Colombia we were saddened and dismissed him as an option because we knew there was so much involved, the costs and the traveling and the traveling to an unknown country being just a few of the concerns and potential obstacles.  But we couldn't shake it.  Over several days we discussed it, did research online, asked about the specific costs involved and what we would be up against.  We also learned of various found raisers and grants that could help off set the costs.  We soon felt strongly compelled to look into the process and our options more carefully and soon came to the conclusion that this was the child we were to go for.  We have fought the decision at times and we have had to rely on God and faith and quite frankly the kindness of others to make things happen. This is what I mean by "it takes a village to CREATE a family."  We feel very strongly that we are all part of a global family and must look out for one another regardless of where that may lead us. And Colombia is where we feel we were led.
That being said... we have already decided our next adoption will be domestic!  We hope we can find at least 1 brother or sister for him once we see he is ready for that type of adjustment and joy.

If you can't afford to finance your adoption yourself, why are you doing it?

I think this is a fair question and I see where people are coming from.  Sometimes I want to say "if it wasn't for insurance and you had to pay your hospital bill for the birth of each of your children, could you have?"  I see people who are struggling financially every day who continue to have children against what some would call social consciousness.  But I cannot judge them.  But I can say I see the "start up" or initial costs of adopting similar to that hospital bill of child birth.  Not only is it absolutely atrocious and overwhelming, there are very few people who could pay that amount out of pocket for each child.  This does not mean they cannot provide for their kids on a daily basis or that they are not ready to be parents.

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