
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Adoption Bug T-Shirts!! (Fundraiser)

This Fundraiser will go until APRIL 7th! 
Adoption Bug - Greene Family
I am sooo excited about this fundraiser.  Maybe it's the cute name and maybe it's because it was one of the easiest to apply for!  Who knows.... in any event we appreciate you checking it out and sharing it with anyone and everyone!!

In order for us to receive a portion of each t-shirt sold, you must buy it from OUR PROFILE page, and not just any t-shirt you see from other pages.  Here is the link...

We would like to encourage anyone who see this to please post a link to your Facebook page or share it somehow!!  Thank you!!!

I admit this is my favorite design even though I am not a brown t-shirt kind of person! Did I mention our waiting child is Deaf? We are not sure if he will ever be able to communicate through sign language, but we really hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Nice shirt! I hope the sales were remarkable, and helped you brought your waiting baby home. I’ll look forward to seeing him settle with you as his new family. Have a nice day!

    Norman Watkins @ eBay Giving Works
