
Saturday, August 9, 2014

August Update... We Think We Can! We Think We Can!

I'm not gonna lie... July was a bittersweet month... On a good note we celebrated our son's birthday with his future cousins here and yet at the same time longed more than ever to be with him.

Through a month filled with disappointments, ups and downs, and more red tape, my heart was constantly uplifted and encouraged through the amazing TpT fundraiser!

TpT Fundraiser ReCap

None of you can possibly imagine the impact this fundraiser had on our family, and more specifically on me. Its been like the ripples in a pond from a tiny little pebble, allowing your kindness to reach my heart and filled me up again.

How can I thank you?
To those involved in this fundraiser you might feel you were simply doing a good deed and helping an orphan come home to his anxiously awaiting family. You would be wrong.

This was not simply a monetary blessing, it was more. SO MUCH MORE. In addition to raising a unbelievable percentage of our remaining fees, this month-long rally for our son's future was a spiritual affirmation that we didn't even know we would be needing.

It is the reason I am still moving forward and not giving up.

A month ago when I looked ahead to July, I thought about one word: REFERRAL. For adoptive families for our son's country that is THE MAGIC WORD!! And we were 90% certain July was the month we would receive our referral, or in other words "start packing!" and "you did it!" We thought we were so close to having to arrange time off and flights and dog sitters.

(Sigh.) It didn't exactly go as planned.

I was in Wal-Mart buying luggage for Little "AC" when I received the e-mail. "(His country) has more questions. We'll fill you in tomorrow." UGH, Seriously???

In 10 seconds I went from "I wonder if he has a favorite color?" to "Oh GREAT NOW WHAT???"

Instead of getting the approval we hoped for, we received a less common second round of questions to address. His committee is being especially thorough, which is to be expected when placing a child with long-term special needs with a family, especially one currently without children. I understand their precautions and desire for due diligence. I cannot imagine the overwhelming responsibility they must feel when placing a child in a permanent home.

But it still stinks and I admit I have still been sad and angry. I have been bitter, confused and resentful. I have been a blubbering mess and I've been simply fed up. I have been impulsive and irrational and developed tunnel vision. "I WILL COME GET YOU!" and "We will not go down without a fight!" are common quotes in the metaphorical bubbles above my cartoon self's head.

So through it all, I go back to the TpT fundraiser.

We are talking about digital downloads for handouts, this generation's "go to" for what we called "dittos" back in the day. Mere collections of sight words and ABC's and other (AMAZING) fun stuff for classrooms and homeschoolers to drool over and enjoy. (I REALLY hope you snagged a bundle or two!). But in the grand scheme of things this are "just" handouts. Or are they?

"But behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass."

There you have it.

My Father in Heaven knew I would need this incredible display of encouragement and love. He knew I would need it this month of all months. He set things into motion long before we were dealt this blow and seemingly unnecessary delay. He planted the seed in these amazing teachers' hearts and I am so grateful they each acted on it.

They thought they were helping us pay for hotels and airfare and VISAS. But it was so much more. And that strengthens my faith and my resolve. That is what keeps me going.

I still fill with tears when I think of each of you. I look at the list of names and say my 100th prayer of gratitude, but I honestly have no idea who 99% of you are. All I know is that "KindergartenMama" and "RockinTeacher" are now enjoying the goodies in Bundle 2, I don't know if you are my neighbor or friend or my own mother.

I know the vast majority of you are strangers I will never meet.

I will never be able to thank you, but I want you to know you made a difference. This was more than a donation, this was yet another miracle along our adoption journey. Your generosity literally has changed the future of this boy, our precious son, this forgotten child of God. 

To the incredible person behind this brainstorm who reached out to her fellow colleagues, you know who you are and we thank you. You were a true gift from God.

Each and every teacher who contributed their talents without any compensation, we thank you.

Each person who shared this fundraiser with friends and colleagues, we thank you.

Each person who purchased these downloads, we thank you.

It's NOT Over Yet

Yes, we still have hoops to jump through. Yes, we still have an estimated $10,000 to raise. But I know something. I KNOW we are on the right path and we are not supposed to give up. And I will not give up. My son has not given up, and neither will I. He has been through so much in his young life and he is a fighter. And these delays are in my mind God's way of buying more time to prepare this child to receive us, to trust us, to eventually attach and bond to us.

Please continue to pray for our family. Pray we can find the right people to help us meet the current request and referral we need. (This has been a HUGE struggle and may prove very costly). Pray the professional's words will be inspired to cast away remaining doubts.

Pray for those involved in the decision process. Pray that I will continue to be buoyed up amid disappointment and frustration and anger. Pray I will feel peace more frequently and fully.

Pray for all those who have helped us over the past year get this far. Pray they will be blessed in their lives and families with all they stand in need of. I've learned it's those who struggle and hurt the most who are often first to reach out, and I pray for each of our supporters every day.

And pray for all the orphans waiting to be discovered and loved unconditionally. Pray for our sweet, precious, innocent boy whose heart is being prepared for changes he cannot imagine or understand.

And pray that September brings GOOD NEWS and successful fundraisers!

Our donation sites will remain open until we are fully funded.

Greene Family - Adopt Together

Can we donate by check? Yes, however donations given by check will be processed and posted once per month.

Checks can be mailed to:
Adopt Together
251 W Central Ave. #278
Springboro, OH 45066
      Please write "Alejandro/Greene Family" in the memo if you send a check, or the donation will not be credited to our grant.

You can also send check directly to us.
Greene Family
P.O. Box 219
Owensville, MO 65066